Praying for Your Family Part 3 — Casey Marques continues the discussion of praying for our families. He finishes concepts revealed in Ephesians 1.
The Spirit Leads Our Prayers — Prayer and faith are not a formula. Do we ever copy other people’s prayer styles or accept their perspective of God’s will simply because we have failed to experientially developed our own? Is the world affecting our prayer life instead of the other way around? Are we surrendered to…
Pray Like Jesus – When Jesus prayed, He stunned people with His authenticity, authority, and results. Jesus abandoned all things religious and moved God’s heart through relationship. He gave us His Holy Spirit to teach us to pray. Jesus’ priorities in prayer were God’s first, holiness, truth, then needs. Just like Jesus’ prayers, our prayers…
Productive in All Cases – Part 2 — We were made to respond to the Lord by holding tightly to what we know is true about His love and intentions for us. This ability to maintain a firm grip on His character and to abide in Jesus in all situations is critical to being productive…