Nate Wheeler discusses how God takes us through trials and challenges to change our lives. As we surrender to His purpose and will, we transform to be more like Him.
Whether it’s about our own kids, the River’s youth, or all the young people of NH, it’s going tocost us to help the next generaHon go farther, live beoer, obey God more than us. It’s going to cost us whatever is dearest to us – as in the story of Isaac. It’s going to take…
From the Darkness! — Nate Wheeler discusses how God is light and in Him is no darkness. However, God is not restricted by darkness. He specializes in reaching people in their darkness and pulling them into deeper fellowship with Him. He formed all of creation in darkness, Jesus liberated all of humanity on the cross…
The Contrast of Intimacy – Intimacy with Jesus really contrasts people from those who do not have it. This is not always as simple as a Christians vs. the world situation. Often the religious are turned off and offended by intimacy, while sinners are affected to their core by it. Can we lead others out…
Royal Priests. Holy Nation. – We are collectively royal priests ministering before the Lord and making known His glory. We are all worshippers declaring the praises of God into the brokenness and darkness as ones who have been called out of the darkness and into His marvelous light. The Church must have a culture of…
Cast Away — In this sermon, casey Marques discusses the two times when Jesus told his disciples to cast their nets on the other side of their boats. He discusses how we follow Jesus to lead otehrs to Him. We can’t simply rely on our own experience, talent, or understanding to bring others into the…
Suffering Propels Us into Our Purpose – In this sermon, Neil Hubacher discusses how God uses the suffering in our lives to prepare us for our destiny and purpose. it is important that as we pass through a time of suffering that we settle our hearts on the fact that God is good. He is the…
Renewal in the Word – God’s discipline builds capacity to carry His glory and steward His power for greater impact. He uses His Word to cleanse us, prune us, and produce more fruit in our lives. Are we hungering for the Word of the Lord? Do we long for its impact upon us? Let’s cry…
Christmas Eve Service: Wrapped Up — A Christmas skit about love, acceptance, and identifying our identity in Christ. This service celebrates the gift of Jesus to humanity. He meets us in our brokenness, and introduces us to grace and truth. This service consists of a skit, special music, and a mini-sermon.
Casey Marques discusses how the message of the Gospel never loses it’s power for the believer. It reaffirms our hope, as we remember that God began the process of redemption before the owlrd was created and that He will finish the work He started in all of us.