Immersing people in a vibrant,
life-transforming and community-
impacting relationship with Jesus Christ.

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH (Page 4)

Vessels of Honor

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Vessels of Honor

Vessels of Honor–  Jesus desires for us to be a totally committed Bride, with values and priorities in all the right places. He desires that she be open to others needs and unashamed in her lifestyle decisions. He wants her to see clearly and to appreciate His beauty, because her eyes have been trained to…

Real Options Update

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Real Options Update

Real Options provided an update about how they have assisted mothers and fathers in crisis pregnancy situations. They also share testimonies of hope and encouragement for anyone greiving or affected in this area.

The Frustration of Compromise

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
The Frustration of Compromise

The Frustration of Compromise  –  The Lord is pursuing His people to know Him more deeply. Rebellion in lifestyle leads to dullness in our sensitivity and effectiveness in His kingdom. The things we treasure either confirm or invalidate our claim that we love God and pursue His best in our lives. Humanity is ever trying…

You’ve Got Some Work to Do

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
You've Got Some Work to Do

You’ve Got Some Work to Do – In this Sermon, Casey discusses where we are called to by holy as God is holy. God by His Spirit does the work of oliness within. We make ourselves available to this transformation process by surrendering to The Holy Spirit and by actively pursuing His aggresive and powerful…

Suffering Propels Us into Our Purpose

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Suffering Propels Us into Our Purpose

Suffering Propels Us into Our Purpose  – In this sermon, Neil Hubacher discusses how God uses the suffering in our lives to prepare us for our destiny and purpose. it is important that as we pass through a time of suffering that we settle our hearts on the fact that God is good. He is the…

Purity to See and Know the Lord

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Purity to See and Know the Lord

Purity to See and Know the Lord  –  Jesus is calling believers to a life of holiness to keep their eyes and hearts sensitive to Him. He is prepared to do a renovating work in all who make themselves available to His process. Those who are holy will see the Lord and right relationship with…

Renewal in the Word

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Renewal in the Word

Renewal in the Word – God’s discipline builds capacity to carry His glory and steward His power for greater impact. He uses His Word to cleanse us, prune us, and produce more fruit in our lives. Are we hungering for the Word of the Lord? Do we long for its impact upon us? Let’s cry…

The Hope of the Gospel

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
The Hope of the Gospel

Casey Marques discusses how the message of the Gospel never loses it’s power for the believer. It reaffirms our hope, as we remember that God began the process of redemption before the owlrd was created and that He will finish the work He started in all of us.

God’s Inheritance

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
God’s Inheritance

God’s Inheritance  –  God’s discipline builds capacity to carry His glory and steward His power for greater impact. We were chosen by Him before creation to be Holy and set apart solely and intimately for Him. Even as Christ is our inheritance, we are designed to be His special and glorious inheritance. This process of…
