Immersing people in a vibrant,
life-transforming and community-
impacting relationship with Jesus Christ.

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH (Page 3)

Family Reflects the Nature of God

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Family Reflects the Nature of God

Family Reflects the Nature of God — God designed family to reflect His nature to the world. In this powerful message, Casey Marques challenges husbands and wives to puruse Christ-likeness within their unique family roles.

A Song of Encounter

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
A Song of Encounter

A Song of Encounter — God is using the open-book lives of imperfect lovers of God to reflect the dream of being redeemed Can we face loss, dryness, and weeping and remain well-loved in the Father’s embrace. Will we linger in His presence because we adore being with Him and being loved by Him? He…

From the Darkness!

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
From the Darkness!

From the Darkness! — Nate Wheeler discusses how God is light and in Him is no darkness. However, God is not restricted by darkness. He specializes in reaching people in their darkness and pulling them into deeper fellowship with Him. He formed all of creation in darkness, Jesus liberated all of humanity on the cross…

The Contrast of Intimacy

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
The Contrast of Intimacy

The Contrast of Intimacy  –  Intimacy with Jesus really contrasts people from those who do not have it. This is not always as simple as a Christians vs. the world situation. Often the religious are turned off and offended by intimacy, while sinners are affected to their core by it. Can we lead others out…

He Just Showed Up

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
He Just Showed Up

He Just Showed Up  –  An unending principle in the Kingdom of God is that Jesus appears when we invite Him into a moment. He may not always look the way we expect or do what we think He should do. But He gets to be King. Jesus loves to develop His people with a…

Royal Priests. Holy Nation.

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Royal Priests. Holy Nation.

Royal Priests. Holy Nation.  –  We are collectively royal priests ministering before the Lord and making known His glory. We are all worshippers declaring the praises of God into the brokenness and darkness as ones who have been called out of the darkness and into His marvelous light. The Church must have a culture of…

Cast Away

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Cast Away

Cast Away — In this sermon, casey Marques discusses the two times when Jesus told his disciples to cast their nets on the other side of their boats. He discusses how we follow Jesus to lead otehrs to Him. We can’t simply rely on our own experience, talent, or understanding to bring others into the…

Draw Near So They Can Go Far

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Draw Near So They Can Go Far

Draw Near So They Can Go Far – In this sermon, Neil Hubacher searches for clues to reaching our culture with the Gospel drawing from the way Christ shared the good news of His death and resurrection with the men on the road to Emmaus.

Honoring the Vessels

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Honoring the Vessels

Honoring the Vessels  –  To be Holy is to be set apart to the Lord. To worship alongside and to work alongside other holy believers means that they are set apart unto the Lord as well. Maybe not in the same ways, but in the same God. They are vessels of honor and should therefore…

Searched by the One Who Knows Me

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Searched by the One Who Knows Me

Searched by the One Who Knows Me  –  We serve a wonderful God, whose thoughts are greater and higher than ours. His influence upon our lives draws us to be Holy like Him. But how do we learn to fully surrender to the process that makes us holy? What helps us surrender our fear of…
