Immersing people in a vibrant,
life-transforming and community-
impacting relationship with Jesus Christ.

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH (Page 25)

Psalm 33: Deliverance

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Psalm 33: Deliverance

Psalm 33: Deliverance – God is a deliverer by character and nature. He is consistent and His love is steadfast. Psalm 33 reconnects us with God’s heart and passion for deliverance in a package and expression of worship. Worship is the believer’s response to trusting in God’s deliverance. If you have zero appetite to engage…

Psalm 32: Repentance

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Psalm 32: Repentance

Psalm 32: Repentance — From the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, even before choosing His disciples, Jesus taught the importance of repentance. Before true confession can occur, we must stop trying to hide or justify sin from the Lord. True repentance is to recognize, admit, and turn from sin. It is walking in the light.…

Confront Like Jesus

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Confront Like Jesus

In this sermon, Kevin discusses how we are meant to confront each other according to Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 18. Confrontation may not be enjoyable, but is a necessary step toward reconciliation and forgiveness. without confrontation we are at risk of harboring bitterness against another person and concealing the truth of how we feel when…

Spring Up Oh Well

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Spring Up Oh Well

Spring Up Oh Well — Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as a life-giving spring inside of us that becomes life. The Holy Spirit gives us hope in despair, a song in our hearts, His voice, and direction. Sometimes we fail to experience that life-giving spring, but it can be discouraging and unclear why. The…

Speak Like Jesus

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Speak Like Jesus

Speak Like Jesus — In this sermon, Kevin reminds us that we are to be like Jesus in the use of our words. God’s heart for mercy, freedom, and our good extends to our expressions. Death and life are in the power of our words, and we were meant to choose life.

Pray Like Jesus – Part 2

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Pray Like Jesus - Part 2

Pray Like – Jesus Part 2 – When Jesus prayed, He stunned people with His authenticity, authority, and results. Jesus abandoned all things religious and moved God’s heart through relationship. He gave us His Holy Spirit to teach us to pray. Jesus’ priorities in prayer were God’s first, holiness, truth, then needs. Just like Jesus’…

Pray Like Jesus

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Pray Like Jesus

Pray Like Jesus – When Jesus prayed, He stunned people with His authenticity, authority, and results. Jesus abandoned all things religious and moved God’s heart through relationship. He gave us His Holy Spirit to teach us to pray. Jesus’ priorities in prayer were God’s first, holiness, truth, then needs. Just like Jesus’ prayers, our prayers…

The Open Face of God – Part 2

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
The Open Face of God - Part 2

The Open Face of God – Part 2 — God speaks to His people. From the beginning of creation, we can see that He has been a God of communication. It is a common lie among believers that it is difficult to hear the voice of God. We become frustrated when we do not hear…

The Open Face of God

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
The Open Face of God

The Open Face of God — God speaks to His people. From the beginning of creation, we can see that He has been a God of communication. It is a common lie among believers that it is difficult to hear the voice of God. We become frustrated when we do not hear God, but our…


River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH

In this sermon, Chris talks about rediscovering ones dependence upon God, and the daily pursuit of His presence. Far too often, we try to face life in our own strength, while the Lord has designed us to face the challenges of life through Him and to produce fruit through the Holy Spirit within us.
