Immersing people in a vibrant,
life-transforming and community-
impacting relationship with Jesus Christ.

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH (Page 24)

Grace for Contentment

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Grace for Contentment

SPECIAL NOTE: Due to electrical issues on 9/16/18, the sermon was cut short after 22 minutes. Grace for Contentment – Some people consciously or unconsciously see godliness as a way to earn blessing, wealth, and promotion. Various forms of giving-to-get originate from a striving heart, one that is crying out for approval rather than living…

Passing the Test

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Passing the Test

Passing the Test – Testing is a part of God’s refining process. It reminds of our need for God and pushes us to greater levels of dependence upon Him. Testing is also a season where the enemy determines if your fresh commitment to God is serious. He will try to find breaks in your breakthrough.…

Surfacing Anger and Disappointment

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Surfacing Anger and Disappointment

Surfacing Anger and Disappointment – God had an eternal plan that was contrary to Jonah’s emotional needs. God allowed circumstances and events to bring to surface Jonah’s lingering anger and disappointment toward the Father. However, even with a bad attitude, God blessed Jonah and took care of Him. God will build our trust in Him as…

God’s Design for Holiness

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
God’s Design for Holiness

God’s Design for Holiness — This sermon discusses how we draw closer to God through repentance. Are you tired from a season of spiritual drought and famine? Have you recently told Jesus that He can have every part of you, including your secrets, insecurities, habits, and deepest fears? God is a God of resurrection power. He…

In All Humility

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
In All Humility

In All Humility — In this sermon Kevin discusses God’s plan, purpose, and expectation for humility in His people. Jesus modeled perfect humility, as He came to serve not to be served. This sermon also covers the story of Namaan the leper. God used many details of the process of Namaan’s healing to bring not…

Remaining Hungry

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Remaining Hungry

Remaining Hungry — This sermon discusses how believers may experience seasons of indifference and apathy to the will and voice of the Holy Spirit. In such cases, believers need to rediscover their need and desire for intimacy with Jesus. The beginning of the process is repentance and seeking the Holy Spirit for refinement.

What Are You Running From?

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
What Are You Running From?

What Are You Running From? – God refines what is precious to Him. You are precious to Him. We naturally run from the things that stretch us and make us uncomfortable or vulnerable. God uses these things to refine us. Sometimes we run from God because we know He will not refine us in a…

Psalm 34: He Hears – Part 2

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Psalm 34: He Hears - Part 2

Psalm 34: He Hears – Part 2 – Sometimes the Lord makes our most vulnerable messes become great testimonies and encouragement for others and a source of gratitude and praise. God frees His people from problems and the fear associated. He is our joy in struggle. His promises hold us in hard times, not seasons…

Psalm 34: He Hears – Part 1

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Psalm 34: He Hears - Part 1

Psalm 34: He Hears – Sometimes the Lord makes our most vulnerable messes become great testimonies and encouragement for others and a source of gratitude and praise. God frees His people from problems and the fear associated. He is our joy in struggle. His promises hold us in hard times, not seasons of rest and…
