Immersing people in a vibrant,
life-transforming and community-
impacting relationship with Jesus Christ.

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH (Page 22)

Resurrecting Faith

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Resurrecting Faith

Resurrecting Faith — Faith is dead without works, and it is made alive through actions of surrender and repentnace. God desires relationship so closely with us that we can hold our plans, possessions, identities lightly and entrust Him with everything. He has given us corporate and individual promises becasue He expects us to walk in…

The Blessing of Others

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
The Blessing of Others

The Blessing of Others – Often the believers who face or have faced difficult challenges tend to have experiential revelation of God’s provision, peace, and sacrificial love. Yet these are often the people the Church marginalizes. When we show preference for certain types of people, we risk missing out on the blessing of their strengths…

The Implanted Word of God

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
The Implanted Word of God

The implanted word of God – The true word of Jesus saves us and is implanted in to our hearts. We require a daily level of humility to accept it. When we cannot accept the true word implanted in our hearts, the word has no effect. The word is for our freedom. It brings freedom…

Treasuring the One Who Treasures Us

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Treasuring the One Who Treasures Us

Treasuring the One Who Treasures Us – Only needs can frame situations where we can learn to praise when it is hard, seek God in our weakness, face our wishy-washy beliefs about Him, grapple with our triggers, pray for change, and dream about and crave our eternal reward. It drives us toward Jesus. The magic…

God’s Persistent Work

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
God’s Persistent Work

God’s Persistent Work – There are things in this life that are more threatening than the challenges of life and the attacks of the enemy, such as pride, laziness, indiscipline, or faithless living. God is using the pressures of life to force faith-engagement to defects to fully development into wholeness and maturity. God’s desire is…

God’s Voice in the Bible

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
God’s Voice in the Bible

God’s Voice in the Bible – One of the ways God speaks is through the Bible. When we can’t focus to hear Him speak in our hearts, we can read the Bible and hear Him there. God doesn’t always provide specific plans and purposes. But His Word gives us instruction for holiness, wisdom, and surrender.…

Fasting for Breakthrough

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
Fasting for Breakthrough

Fasting for Breakthrough – Fasting is so much bigger than asking for general spiritual growth or help in in a time of need. It is a cry for God to insert Himself into a situation. When He comes, He does so much more than meet a need. He reveals Himself to everyone involved. Breakthrough fasting…

God’s Will, Hope, and Favor – Part 3

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
God’s Will, Hope, and Favor - Part 3

God’s Will, Hope, and Favor – Part 3 –  Many believers struggle over the will of God. What does He want? Will they miss His will if they make a decision? The presence of options brings anxiety when a believer doesn’t understand God’s value system. We often fail to remember the favor of God beyond our…


River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH

Rachael Van Wagner delivers Tangled Faith, an honest look into the pursuit of grace when a believer’s faith is shaken. In this presentation, Rachael explains her journey through doubt, fear, anger and questions toward God as well as the hope she found along the way. This story is for anyone wrestling with debilitating questions and…

God’s Will, Hope, and Favor – Part 2

River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
River of Life Church: Amherst, NH
God’s Will, Hope, and Favor - Part 2

God’s Will, Hope, and Favor – Part 2  — Many believers struggle over the will of God. What does He want? Will they miss His will if they make a decision? The presence of options brings anxiety when a believer doesn’t understand God’s value system. We often fail to remember the favor of God beyond our…
